Dr. Stefan Lang am 24. Juni 2022
The Paper Protocol: Systematic Instructions for Writing a Biomedical Research Paper
Now available in online bookstores: The Paper Protocol (English edition). Experimental and study protocols allow you to conduct your biomedical research efficiently. The Paper Protocol helps you afterwards to put your results on paper.
The Paper Protocol structures the writing process into four defined phases, describing each task required to write a biomedical research paper that convinces both the journal’s reviewers and your readers.

The Paper Protocol will provide you with precise instructions and several text examples illustrating their practical application. Just put the book next to your keyboard and start writing your paper.
This book is written in global English, making it easier for non-native English speaking students and scientists to read and understand. Scientists who want their work read and cited need to publish in global English, which has become the language of the scientific community.
ISBN Paperback: 978-3-347-53987-7
ISBN Hardcover: 978-3-347-53989-1
ISBN e-Book: 978-3-347-53995-2